SNAP Sponsorship | News


What's happening at SNAP? What are clubs and businesses achieving with sponsorship? More about the world of sponsorship.......

Promoting sponsors during the off-season is crucial for maintaining relationships and ensuring continued support. Here’s a list of 10 different ways your organisation could effectively promote sponsors during this period:


#TeamSNAP - our team behind yours. 


Not long ago, #TeanSNAP had the opportunity to talk to Simon Lane, Vice Chairman and Ben Whitemore, Committee Member at Cam Cricket Club, to find out about the club's experiences and outcomes since enrolling on the platform.

Recently, #TeanSNAP had the opportunity to chat to Sam Coote, Director of Cricket and Mike McLean, Comms & Social Media Officer at Hatherley & Reddings Cricket Club, to find how the club has been getting on since joining the platform.

Recently, #TeanSNAP sat down with with Sophie Murray, employee at Brancepeth Castle Golf Club, to find out about the club's development since joining the platform.

"We can send businesses a link to our online profile which is much more professional!"