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SNAP Consultancy






SNAP Sponsorship are dedicated to bringing sponsorship best practice to the grassroots and local market place. By its very nature, local means we start somewhere and although our approach can be applied nationally, for now our consulting is focussed on London and the South East. 

In just 6 years, we have raised more than £5m from brands and companies, who wish to engage commercially and socially with grassroots sports. This income has gone towards supporting numerous sports clubs, non-for profit organisations and local authorities projects. We are very proud of our contribution to date and excited to continue this rewarding work for both sponsors as well as clubs and organisations.

How can we help you?


SNAP Sponsorship clients range from international and national corporations to local business. All of whom have a common interest to engage locally with the passions and needs of customers, colleagues and communities.   

We consult for Corporate Head Quarters or Major Employers, who are keen to engage socially, environmentally and politically with local communities. SNAP Sponsorship provides expertise to help create a local strategy, identify and engage with partners and support the activation plan. 

We consult for Brands, looking to run regional or local campaigns such as product testing, sampling, data acquisition and experiential events. 

We consult for Local Companies, who have commercial objectives such as brand awareness, lead generation and sales. 



Ask any grassroots sports club and they will tell you how much dedication and time goes into the running of a club, not to mention demand and development. Members subscriptions, food and beverage are vital to the finances of a club, followed by sponsorship attributing between 10-30% of a club's income.

Put simply, by implementing a more efficient and professional approach, SNAP Sponsorship helps clubs take sponsorship to another level, increasing revenues and long term investment. 


Central government funding for local authorities has significantly reduced over the last few years and will be nil by 2019-2020. As a result, councils have been forced to assess how to continue key services within their boroughs. This has either come through cost cutting measures, such as a reduction in headcount, or through the ability to generate revenue.

Sponsorship is one of the new revenue generators that is proving successful for local Councils. SNAP Sponsorship has been tasked to produce and deliver sponsorship strategies that results in a win-win for all parties. Local Borough Council’s are able to generate revenue and a sponsor is able to access unique sponsorship properties and benefits that have not been previously available.